At Mark International Scientific, we empower scientists to achieve groundbreaking results through unparalleled support and expertise in Ion Chromatography.
Mark International Scientific Inc., a pioneering scientific company established in the United States in the 1990s, was founded to match the incredible demand for localized, expert technical support for analytical laboratory instrumentations. As emissarys for the industry’s frontrunners, we are committed to flawlessness in every facet of our operations.
Our core mission transcends mere hardware support; we prioritize empowering end users through targeted chemistry method development, fostering the creation of innovative and bespoke chemistry applications. Our team comprises seasoned, factory-trained chemists dedicated to helping customers overcome their application challenges seamlessly.
Strategic Partnerships and Continuous Learning
to nurture our partnerships with the application laboratory teams of our principal associates, we make it a point to engage in regular visits to their facilities and actively participate in their training initiatives. This proactive approach ensures that we remain abreast of the latest technological advancements in the ever-evolving landscape of analytical laboratory instrumentation.